I don’t write to be famous, I don’t write to be known, I write because I am and I want to be read. How sad to fill a room with paintings no one sees or play music no one hears. Writing is talking without sound, singing without score and dancing without movement and yet, it is all of them. It is a solitary art conjured from thought and expressed by the need to communicate.

HEAD SLAPS, SPEED BUMPS and LIGHTBULBS, one woman's WTF, oops and ah-ha moments of life.

They were published once, and as every writer knows, once is not enough.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

When rejection feels good

Six queries, five rejections and I couldn’t be happier. Well, that’s a lie I certainly could be more mirth-filled if I took off another ten pounds and got asked to the publishing-prom but this time around I think I’m on to something.

These have not been form rejections. Oh there’s the “we’re not the right agency” and “I’m not the right agent” BUT there’s feedback; encouraging and constructive feedback.

“You are a strong writer and very funny…,” said one.

“You are a good writer, much better than what crosses my desk these days.”

“Laugh out loud funny,” another said.

Each compliment bolstered my very damaged writer’s ego after over one-hundred form rejections related to my two novels. That’s per book and that doesn’t count the no response means no.
This book is a memoir. A different kind of memoir which bubbles up above the rest because of how it is organized. The title has been in the header of this blog forever.

HEAD-SLAPS, SPEED-BUMPS and LIGHT-BULBS, one woman’s WTF, oops and ah ha moments of life. (Gee, I love my title.)

The agent comments, unexpected and wonderful, keep me in the game. The constructive comments are getting my attention.

“Engaging, strong and funny but it didn’t draw me in.”

“I liked the sample, a lot, but I didn’t fall in love with it.”

These got me to sit up and aim at something which has bothered me since I started querying. In the first thirty, too much history, too much background, too much writer’s bullshit until I get to the meat. So last night I printed the first thirty pages to figure out what’s missing. (Egads, found a few damned typos.) And, what does the sample lack? Or what do I have to take away?

That’s why I am posting today. Had to get my head out of the thirty pages in order to come up with, just one more article to cut and paste into the sample in order to show (not tell) just how this thing works. So it’s contemplation, elimination and addition time. I’m pumped.

And, I’m working on a (three agents recommended) proposal. An, It can Happen To You / Erin Brockovich kind of memoir.
My keys are a-flamin’ and my mind is a-racin’. I love this shit.


  1. I'm sure you are stoked after such positive comments! I can see the unusual premise of taking your collection of articles and then writing about all the life experiences they caused, so they become the actual "head slaps, speed bumps..., etc., moments.

    If that's how you're doing this...at least this is how I'm taking it from the posts you've done. Good job!

  2. Thanks Donna, that's exactly how I'm doing it. Finally, something right.

    1. Also..., obviously from the personalized rejection comments from these agents, they have asked for partials or fulls? Either way, a written comment is a written comment. These crazy busy people took the TIME. I had a VERY weird dream last night...will email you with that one.

  3. Every rejection is one step closer to the YES ... way to go!

    1. If what you say is true. I'm getting close. Yee ha.
