I don’t write to be famous, I don’t write to be known, I write because I am and I want to be read. How sad to fill a room with paintings no one sees or play music no one hears. Writing is talking without sound, singing without score and dancing without movement and yet, it is all of them. It is a solitary art conjured from thought and expressed by the need to communicate.

HEAD SLAPS, SPEED BUMPS and LIGHTBULBS, one woman's WTF, oops and ah-ha moments of life.

They were published once, and as every writer knows, once is not enough.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Truman winked

Thinking about the force and fallout relating to the columns I am compiling for my book pretty much takes up most of my thoughts, other than when I’m trying to come up with something different for dinner or trying to remember which bill has to paid and when. Remembering what inspired each column is like separating the wheat from the chaff  because sometimes it’s more than one thought process but a series of a mind full of events. When the diluted liquid boils away, when the fat is skimmed off the surface, I’m left with the guts of inspiration and results. And as everyone knows, sometimes the guts of the soup are tastier than the broth.

One of the columns, Singing in the Lane, is about what we say, act and do when we are alone in the car. Singing in the car is pretty universal, we’ve all done it, and even though we’re all Grammy winners in the shower, singing in the car and sounding stupid as backup or lead is pure fun. But the column was not only about singing in the car it was also about talking. Admitting that I talk to myself in the car and am actually interviewed (as practice) was pretty easy and explainable, or so I thought because not sounding like a loon was becoming difficult.

So I’m driving home from work on Tuesday evening and I’m thinking about my dilemma when the movie Truman Show comes to mind...the scene when Truman, Jim Carrey and his best friend, Marlon, played by Noah Emmerich are sitting on a bridge talking about the truth, which is actually a lie, of their lifelong friendship.

For those who are not familiar with the movie it is about a reality show following the life of Truman, a man who has no idea that since birth, he has been surrounded by actors and that he is watched by the entire world 24/7/365. When he begins to suspect that something is amiss, his best friend Marlon, a paid actor, is sent to reassure him that all is fine and that what he is experiencing is the same angst all people experience from time to time. The two friends are sitting on the edge of a bridge, it’s late, they are sharing a six-pack and I remembered Marlon saying something about,  I am paraphrasing, who doesn’t sit on the can and pretend to be interviewed by Sea Haven News. When I watched that scene the first time, the revelation that other people did what I occasionally do, I’m sitting in the car not on the can, was enlightening. So I wasn’t a loon. I wanted to use that scene in my book.

As I arrived home I thought I’d have to rent the movie, borrow or buy it, or somehow find it online just to view the thirty second section of the film to see if my paraphrasing was correct. That’s when I went from thinking about Truman to the macaroni and cheese, ham and pea casserole I had to prepare for dinner.

Fast forward, today Wednesday I had the day off. The luxury of having the house to myself had me writing almost all day, and because the house was quiet, I decided to do one of my most favorite things in the afternoon, take a nap. As I lay down, the house was to silent so I turned on the TV, to lull me to sleep. Instantly in all its cinematic wonder, Truman Show came on two minutes before the bridge scene. I am still marveling at how my thoughts, eighteen hours before set in motion the implausibility of this coincidence. It’s called a ‘God wink’ when things like that happen, a little thump on the head to get your attention. Not knowing what attention I was supposed to bring to the moment, I watched the rest of the movie then went back to the computer and wrote...this. 

I never did get a nap in, so what do you do in the car while you’re alone? Keep it clean please, God winked today.


  1. I sing, but I stop when I have to pull up next to someone at a light or a sign!

    1. I used to stop singing now I don't...I figure they think I'm on the phone and ah hell who cares, I'll never see them again anyway.

  2. Keep it clean? Well, that rules me out. (Averil wink.)

    1. Ah...go for it. We're all adults here and actually since my life is so boring you might give me a few ideas.
