Decided to exercise my feeble brain, I taught myself...
zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba, the alphabet backwards. I still don’t get it perfect every time but
often enough I’m able to hiccup through like a ten year old playing hop scotch.
It is cool knowing something other people might like to know but don’t want to
take the time to know it.
Like, I think it would be neat to learn all the state’s
capitals. I know they are already in my brain, I had to learn them in fifth
grade, but knowing them enough to ace a Jeopardy
category would be awesome.
I should know important writery stuff like, what the
hell is a participle and why do they dangle?
Per Wikipedia, “A participle
is a form of a verb which is used in a sentence to modify a noun or noun phrase,
and thus plays a role similar or identical to that of an adjective, or
sometimes an adverb. It is one of the types of non-finite verb forms.” What the
flying fiddle does that mean?
According to Grammar Girl, “A dangling participle
modifies an unintended noun”. Am I
supposed to know what an unintended noun is? I’m thinking it’s like a virgin
prom queen, exist they do not.
That I think knowing the alphabet backward is cool, it was the subject of one of my columns,
illustrates just how uncool I am. I’ll post the column if it makes the paper.
So, what do you know, that other people might want
to know, but don’t want to take the time to know it?