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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Old, new and and on your way

Christmas almost here and a new year just around the corner. A time for reflection and looking forward? Yeah sure.
When we keep in mind that we can’t change the past and can’t predict the future why do we even examine that which has come before and that which lies ahead.
Well… that’s what people do this time of year so here’s my take on the old going out and the new coming in.

Personally big changes took place at my end. Retirement from full-time to part-time at my nine to five and no more column deadline. (Committed to finishing a book.) Life could not be better. Family is everything and wonderful.

Having said that, let me add this for my writer friends who have never been published and dream to be. As we all know, dreams don’t get us where we want to go, hard work and determination do. Here’s a few suggestions

Do write with eyes open and mind attuned.
Don’t get caught up in trends, make your own.

Do let learning be you’re your pathway.
Stay true to your core.

Do follow the bedrock rules. Writer’s arrogance is poison.
Don’t follow all the rules. Break them wisely.


And, like a toddler, look forward with wonder, get back up after you stumble and take naps. Naps are a writer’s classroom.


  1. Thanks for your lovely and insightful words for us, Carolynn! <3 Merry Christmas, dear friend!

  2. Oh Lilac, may this special time of year bring you happiness. I so wonder about peace in your part of the world and everywhere. Stay safe friend.
