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Friday, September 5, 2014

The good, the bad, the hopeful

Just want to say that I’m sitting at my kitchen table, my favorite place to write, and listening to the TV in the other room. A battle is going on in there, no one is watching, and yet in here, in my beautiful kitchen I am as content as a puppy on a lap.

On this day, I am grateful. On this day I am thankful. On this day the pain and angst of rejection is a memory and I am filled with hopefulness.

That’s what it is with writing, one day you’re a failure and the next you soar. It is a bi-polar craft for sure.

I’ve submitted something. It’s short, God-damned funny and sent to one of the most recognizable print-heads in the world. And I think it has a chance. I will sleep tonight with lottery ticket dreams of success. Life is good when you don’t know all the answers. When questions are exciting and anticipation makes you tingle, (like my dad always said), that’s what it’s all about.
What makes you tingle?


  1. I love that you placed that quote at the top of this blog! Wishing you have the winning ticket to publishing this time around. Come by and visit and comment on an old lady's food blog sometime!

    1. Hey babe. I have tried to comment a few times and it never lets me. So I just went over again and figured I'd give it another try. IT WORKED ! (Your recipes are beyond amazing) 1000 posts wow. Like I said, it's time you cooked up a cook book.

    2. Thank you I saw the comment and was thrilled!

  2. Stories like THIS make me tingle a bit - as bipolar as writing may be, it can also be the very best vicariousness in the world, too. My writing community and the successes of others prove "this can be done" and that is inspiring!

    1. Never would I have imagined I would have gone as far as I have, in my personal life and in writing. I'm dreaming big, why the hell not. The only limits we have are the ones we set for ourselves.

  3. You're a busy bee this season, what with pollinating all those agents and print-heads. Here's to a fruitful harvest. I feel tingly when I hear positive news - so do share when you get it!

    1. Just walked in the house with two hard copies from readers. The notes , so far, have me walking with head hi and a smile on my face. Can't wait to dive into final edits. Ha...are edits ever final?
      If the short piece gets accepted there will be fireworks for sure.
