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Thursday, June 29, 2023


Well boys and girls I finally did it. I published a book. 


Rather than rue the truth of age bias in traditional publishing (ya can’t fight big business common sense) I decided to embrace my age as a huge positive. Can’t write most of the stuff I write and not have history, experience, and wisdom. Life is not made up, it’s real.


For thirty-five years I’ve been casting my words upon the waters. For the last couple I’ve put together what I think best communicates what I am about and what I feel best describes what life is about, with humor and a few tears. I’ve been told this book is for all women…almost, and for writers, for sure. It’s an honest book. Not all I have communicated soothes my writer’s soul. Some foolish and even heartless pieces have changed me. I do not have a problem admitting when I am wrong. I was wrong. But being on the mark makes me soar.


I’ve learned a lot about self-publishing in the past few months. Asking for help, accepting that I don’t know everything and being patient says it all. Side note: Because you don’t know how or where you are going is not a reason to hand in your ticket and get off the train. Find a travel agent and a conductor who have taken the trip before.


Not to bite the hand that doles out snacks along the ride, I learned that the behemoth of book sellers (who offers everything else too) is a difficult and not always best track. Barnes and Noble and sites less known have offered wonderful opportunities. I’ve learned that word-of-mouth from old friends and new readers is a strong and steady route. I’ve also come to recognize when it’s time to shut up and listen.


It’s been a long time since posting here. It’s great to be back among old friends in a place that has always felt like home.